Zentrum für InfektionsMedizin München

Objectives and Tasks

ZIMM’s focal points are the prevention of infectious diseases as well as the understanding of immune control mechanisms and host-pathogen interactions during infection. The goal is to stabilize and strengthen the established and highly competent collaborative research taking place at the LMU, TUM, BIM and HMGU in the area of biology of infections through a long-term organizational structure. Within ZIMM, the translation of basic research findings into therapeutic applications should become a major focus, and clinical observations should foster future activities in basic research.

ZIMM uses the synergy of its members – representatives from research, teaching and clinical care of infectious diseases – as well as the existing common facilities to develop and strengthen infectious diseases research in the Munich area beyond what is possible at individual institutions.

ZIMM optimizes teaching and continuing education in the area of infectious diseases and develops new training structures to better link basic and clinical research in infectious diseases medicine. In the process, targeted training programs will address the growing need for competent physicians in the areas of microbiology, virology, clinical immunology and hospital hygiene.